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Doctor Who Series 5, Episode 3 Review: Victory of the Daleks

Updated: 5 days ago

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  • Sonic!

  • Good!

  • Bumpy-wumpy!

  • Exterminate!

Oh dear, what a shame. Welcome to my review of Victory of the Daleks.

I hate to say it but this was poor. It's made all the worse by the fact that you have iconic enemies, posing as loyal British soldiers who are going to turn into evil bastards at some point all set in World War II, which sounds thrilling on paper. All this on the back of a magical opening episode, and a pretty steady second one. In reality though, this was a massive disappointment.

I hate to moan about this beautiful, silly show, but this is one of those episodes I cringe as I watch.

Where to start then? I'll try and pick a positive - although this isn't Eleven at his best yet, Matt Smith still shines, and he puts in an energetic and at times humourous performance. 

That was quick, I'm already at the negatives.

"Would you care for some tea?"

It's hard to get behind Hitler, but I don't think I'd blame him for trying to bomb this lot. What I'm trying to say is the characters weren't all that likeable, and worse, believable. I honestly think the best moment of the entire episode is when the Doctor punched Bracewell. I am not a violent man, but I wanted to punch Bracewell by the end of this.

Bracewell has now taken the mantel from Adam as my most disliked character, he was irritating all the way through this, but the ending had my dislike taken up a notch or ten.

Some ropey characters I can handle most of the time, but the Daleks were the most disappointing part of the episode. Whilst I can appreciate a plot plotting, it just felt off. It wasn't like Missy becoming good, I said good in a Scottish accent in my head there by the way, in that we were never quite sure if all was as it seemed, the Daleks were always going to be evil shits by the end of the episode.

I will give them one thing though, I wasn't expecting such a burst of colour when the evil shit plan was revealed. I know this was derided at the time, but you can see why, they do not look menacing in the slightest. They look like a toy, a shit plastic one at that. A Dalek dressed up for World War II was a sight to behold, so to have them exterminated by the Power Ranger Daleks was a travesty.

This episode has aged poorly as well, if you ignore the amazing looking Spitfires in space (although that fucked me off as well - I'll come to that). The Dalek ship looks pretty poor now, oh God, I promise to stop moaning soon! Sorry!!

"I’m always worried about the Daleks."

The more I write, the more I think this would be bottom of the pile if I ranked every episode I have ever watched. I actually got annoyed watching it.

Winston Churchill felt like a caricature not a character. Winston and nobody else batted an eyelid to the Daleks and planes in space. The fact that this was set in World War II felt no more than window dressing, which was a shame, as some of the scenes looked great and it would have been great to explore the war more. Explore deeper into why Churchill would want the Daleks on his side.

It honestly felt like it was cobbled together just to roll out the new Dalek paradigms.

The climax looked good, but fucking hell, Bracewell just magically produces a load of planes that can fly in space and nobody seems in the least bit impressed. I always have to say this, I know Doctor Who is a silly show where anything and everything can happen, but if human beings don't react how human beings would react it always seems a trifle unbelievable. I still live in hope that the Doctor is out there, that one day I will hear the TARDIS and get the trip of a lifetime. Don't shatter my illusions by dodgy human interactions and reactions.

The ending felt a bit meh as well, a bomb, another thing that now looks a bit on the dated side stopped because a robot liked a woman way back when. Again, Amy was way too cool here, I always look back at how Rose was at the start of the show, frightened, full of wonder, unsure at times, so much more believable and likeable.

FYI I love Karen Gillan, I just thought Amy was given a bit of a ropey start. She seemed to be the expert rather than the Doctor.

So to sum it all up, I dislike this, and I dislike it a lot, even more than I remember. To make matters worse, it had all the potential in the World to be an absolute banger!

RATING: Exterminate!

BEST LINE: "Blimey, what do you do to the ones who mess up?"



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