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My Top 10 Doctor Who Cliffhangers

Updated: 5 days ago

Who doesn't love a cliffhanger? Here are my top 10 cliffhangers from the show, cue dramatic music please...


Bad Wolf

The first finale of the revival, Christopher Eccleston in fine form, a fleet of Daleks, fantastic!! The Doctor refusing to do what the Daleks want, everybody looking on in horror,/wonder at 9 as he basically told the Daleks to bog off, this was great stuff.

“What is the meaning of this negative?"


Village of the Angels

Are we going to find out more about Division? Are we balls! But we do get a corking cliffhanger and the visuals of 13 turning in to a Weeping Angel are amazing, I watched that a lot of times.

“You are recalled to Division”


Silence in the Library

Bloody loved this one, I am a sucker for all those repeated words. What has happened to Donna? Who the ruddy hell is this River character? How are they going to escape?

“Hey, who turned out the lights?”


Day of the Moon

Oh I love this two parter and the ending to Day of the Moon was a mind blowing one for me. Murray Gold comes up trumps with the music and visually I loved this scene - an absolute delight!! It also felt quite different from previous series with mystery after mystery being chucked at us.

It’s all right. It’s quite all right. I’m dying. But I can fix that. It’s easy really. See?


Spyfall Part 1

I had a lull in interest at the back end of series 11, a few things weren't working for me, so maybe this helped me avoid any spoilers for this episode, I don't know if people knew anything, but holy mother of Christ it made me jump out of my chair. It grabbed my attention that had been slipping and I was back onboard the good ship Doctor!!



Dark Water

Even a spoiler avoider like my good self could see this twist coming a mile off, so why is it so high I hear you ask! Well three reasons, Murray Gold, Peter Capaldi and Michelle Gomez!! From the second Clara spins round in her chair I'm giddy, the music is banging, Michelle Gomez is so fun, and Peter Capaldi is, well he's Peter Capaldi - the Mother Hubbard Doctor!!

“Oh please try to keep up. It's short for Mistress. Well...couldn't very well keep calling myself the Master now could I?”


Turn Left

A brilliant episode topped off with a brilliant cliffhanger, brilliant!! We knew who Donna meant, we wanted her to tell the Doctor, but instead she said "Bad Wolf" and all hell broke loose! The signs flashing on the screen, the music, the cloister bells, as 10 would say - "Ohhh yes!".

"What two words? What were they? What did she say?"


Army of Ghosts

Come on, this is an all time classic isn't it?? Cybermen appearing all over Earth ready for war, then that oh fuck moment as the Daleks appear out of the sphere. It doesn't get much better than this.

"Location, Earth. Lifeforms detected. Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!"



Something gets me about Master reveals I'm finding out as I write this list. The OG reveal from the revived series was an absolute pearler!! I only had vague memories of the Master from my childhood, but I don't think you even need to know anyway, it would still be epic watching the sheer panic on David Tennant's face!!! The final 5/10 minutes of this episode are immense.

“Oh, well now I can say I was provoked!!”


World Enough and Time 

Coming in at top spot but with a massive gripe about it also - BBC you tits!! Why oh why did you reveal John Simm returning before? That said, it still caught me out, so who's the real tit?! I think it only clicked when the Master and Missy are alone. That being said, wow, what an episode, and what an ending! Bonus points for pulling off a great second part to the story after this as well!

“I am Bill Potts”

What do you think of my list? Have I made any glaring errors? What would you add or remove? Let me know in the comments below.



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