What did you think of this episode?
I have to say there's a lot to be said for watching the series in order, and The Unquiet Dead is one I overlooked when dipping in and out, so in this review I will tell you why I think it is a really good episode and definitely an underrated one!
RTD and the writers really set their stall out early, and looking back on these episodes again in order it is really quite impressive. Modern day, future, the past, and all banging episodes.
Straight from the off it is fun and scary in equal measure, how many kids must of had nightmares about the 'stiff' wailing into their TV as the music kicks in?!
"What in the Shakespeare is going on?"
Going back to my talk of underrated, that line is underrated!!!
Charles Dickens was amazing, I believe the actor had played him previously in other programmes, but it was still a great performance. Could anyone else listen to him saying 'illusion' over and over again or is that just me?
So from the off we have corpses waking up in their coffins, gas monsters, and Charles Dickens. Again, there is a glimpse into who the Doctor is, and they really did not give a lot away at the start. This must of been amazing if you never had any knowledge of Doctor Who when you started watching it.
I love how chuffed Dickens is to have a 'fan' in the Doctor and the part in the coach as they chase Rose is jolly good stuff! Christopher Eccleston was an inspired choice, he is amazing in every scene! I wouldn't be here blogging away 19 years later if this man wasn't so bloody good.
"I love a happy medium!"
It would be rude not to mention the great scene between Rose and Gwen, I mean Gwyneth. The fear on Gwyneth's face when she says the big bad wolf is everything, and really whets the appetite for what that might mean in the future. Also the rift in time sets up a whole host of things to come in the Whoniverse, I wonder if RTD had any grand plans at this stage?
It was always going to be coming wasn't it? The Gelth weren't friendly angels after all? I did think the Doctor gave up a bit too easy in this part though, he seemed to accept his fate, but I guess that was to give Dickens his hero moment. Although the best moment was probably watching Dickens see the TARDIS dematerialise then walk off chuffed to bits and laughing.
So, I think this was a really, really strong episode, and the only weakness for me was the Doctor and Rose (to an extent) giving up easily near the end. Scary, funny, exciting, everything I like my Doctor Who to be.
RATING: Sonic!
BEST LINE: "The things you've seen. The darkness, the big bad wolf."
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