What did you think of this episode?
Damn it, Adam is still here!! Never mind, he will get his comeuppance come the end! This is not a Doctor Who episode I go back to at all, but in hindsight The Long Game is a steady little episode, so let's give it a review shall we?
Is it as exciting as some of the others in this series? No. Is the monster that good? Or scary? No and no. Is it scarily more on the nose now than it was when it aired, very much yes.
I have a dislike for the press, MSM, whatever they are called, and worryingly I think RTD may have had his crystal ball out when he penned this one. You only have to look at countries around the world, what went on with COVID, any newspaper these days, to see they are peddling their own agendas more than they ever have. That is the premise for this episode!
"Create a climate of fear and it's easy to keep the borders closed."
Isn't that quote just GB News in a nut shell?! I don't live in a city so maybe I am sheltered from it all or my autistic head isn't seeing it, but where I live people just go about their business and everyone, within reason, gets along. Read the papers and you would think everyone would be scrapping on the streets!! Lets face it, this country and its media have made a 'celebrity' out of Piers Morgan, a man who spoons out shit that people lap up. A man so vile that he used breakfast TV to rage about Meghan Markle daily, a man who wrote the headline 'EASTBENDERS' after a gay kiss in the soap. How as a country do we allow people like him to make millions of pounds chatting shit? How do people think 'you know what, Piers is talking the truth"? Maybe we deserve him, how fucking depressing!! C U Next fucking Tuesday!!!!
Er, where was I?! Without the ending to this series and the use again of Satellite Five I think this may have slid further down peoples pecking orders, but as we now know, there was more to this episode than met the eye when it was first on.
So what did I actually think of it? This isn't just a filler episode but neither is it an all time classic. Although a slower story than others it does have Simon Pegg in it, and as you would expect, he is brilliant. It is a shame he didn't have a slightly bigger part. Pegg and Eccleston sparring is a joy!!
It has some good moments in it, but I don't have a lot of love for the side characters in this one.
So all in all a steady episode which is surrounded by bangers!!
RATING: Bumpy-wumpy!
BEST LINE: "The thing is, Adam, time travel's like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book, you've got to throw yourself in. Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers. Or is that just me?"