What did you think of this episode?
Lets me just mention one thing before I get started - Ncuti is a bloody delight and boy am I excited to see what he brings to the role. I really think we could be on the cusp of something a little bit special!! Here is a review of another David Tennant goodbye in The Giggle.
The episode itself was amazing Doctor Who, but I was a tad disappointed with the ending for Fourteen and Donna, although I can kind of understand it.
This was the best opening of the three specials for me, Neil Patrick Harris is obviously having the time of his life as the Toymaker and he makes a really good villain. Stooky Bill is creepy as fuck, and there are a couple of great jump scares to start us off.
As always, I doff my cap to Murray Gold, especially in this episode, the music is fan-bloody-tastic from the first scene to the last.
“Do you like my puppets, Doctor? Do you like my fun? All of them have played and lost, but here's my favourite one.”
I have never been all that fussed with UNIT so all that jazz is a bit wasted on me, however some of the scenes in the tower are great. I'm looking at you NPH spicing up your life!!
There was so much going on in this episode and I was having the time of my life watching it.
Every part that the Toymaker is in brings the episode up a notch, when he's being racist, when he is being bonkers, when he is singing and dancing, and when he is puppeteering. The puppet scene really creeped me out. I thought I was being clevvvvvveeeerrr....!! How many times will we see Tennant playing another role other than the tenth Doctor?!
The scene with the companion puppets was quite marvellous and Fourteen trying to justify what happened to them was heart-breaking. Poor Amy, Clara and Bill!!
I know this is controversial, but I've enjoyed the continuation of the timeless child and Flux stuff, I am excited to see where RTD takes it, and if he indeed takes it anywhere. It could end up being the best arc in the history of Who, how ironic would that be?!
"Well that's alright then!"
This episode is quite mad and there is so much happening. I was having a mighty fine time, which doubled with the Toymaker singing and dancing Spice Up Your Life. Spice Girls, creepy puppets, time travel, Bonnie Langford, laser beams, saving the day with a game of catch - there really isn't another show like Doctor Who is there?!?!
So yes, I was smiling throughout this one, but then we got into the final stages and I was left a bit disappointed. I am not sure disappointed is the word actually, I just didn't feel this amazing episode got quite the ending I had hoped for.
“You're going to be someone else. It doesn't matter who, because every single one of you is fantastic.”
I just thought it was a bit meh!! This is partly down to all the tragedy teasing RTD had done in the lead up to the specials. I love a tragic ending, you know, Children of Earth fucked up endings, and in my humble opinion in all of the revival era, Donna's ending was both the most heart wrenching and brilliant. It was a complete tragedy she didn't remember her adventures with the Doctor, and it was so well acted by David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Jacqueline King and don't get me started on Bernard Cribbins looking up at the stars every night, Jesus H Christ!!
So what ennding did we get here? The Fourteetnth Doctor has kind of retired and is living with the Noble's? But he still has his TARDIS and seems to be taking people everywhere willy nilly. So he isn't really retired or resting then is he? I know it is a silly little show but I was kind of thinking what about the Doctor's other companions. Won't they be a bit peeved to find out he is knocking about and living the life of riley with Donna?
What was I saying? Ah yes, it just didn't quite work for me. I think I would of rather seen David regenerate into Ncuti, Ncuti saves the day, something goes wrong with the metacrisis because of the regeneration and Ncuti has to dump poor old Donna back home again with no memories. I do kind of understand the ending, and I loved Fourteen waving off Fifteen as he goes off on his own.
The ending was partly saved because Ncuti was instantly brilliant as the Doctor as well as being completley fresh and new, and I am so excited to see how the new series plays out. Allons-y!!!!!
RATING: Sonic!
BEST LINE: "Okay, kid. I love you. Get out!”
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