What did you think of this episode?
Scottish royalty!! Tennant, Capaldi, Gillan. Lovely stuff!!
Who would of known what would become of two of those actors eh? The absolute joy this show was about to bring them. Before it all began there was The Fires of Pompeii though, and her is my review.
The episode itself is a good one, of course it is. Having Donna onboard the TARDIS has completely changed the dynamic of the show, and Tennant excels with Tate. They are a dream partnership!
Straight from the off Donna is a companion who will hold the Doctor to account, she certainly doesn't take any shit from him and calls him out all the time! This is when Doctor Who went stratospheric and I think a large part of that is down to the dynamic between the Doctor and Donna. We really get the full Tenth Doctor now - allons-y, monte bene and the full caboodle!!
"Huh? Sorry? Me no speak Celtic. No can do, missy."
Also, massive shout out to Catherine Tate, I know we had The Runaway Bride before, but she really can act her socks off. She is tremendous and it is no wonder she is a lot of peoples favourite companion or that this team TARDIS tops a lot of peoples charts.
Donna goes through the full emotions here as well. The joy of being in 'Rome', the fear of the volcano, the absolute terror and sadness that these people have to die whether she likes it or not, and the helplessness she feels about the whole thing, leading to a great scene in the TARDIS followed by an iconic Tennant moment - which in turn leads to an iconic moment for a bloke in this episode who doesn't know he is going to be the Doctor quite yet!!
I love how this episode just answers all the issues people may have with Doctor Who without giving an explanation. Fixed points in time that only the Doctor can see. No further explanation needed!! Perfect!!
"Pompeii is a fixed point in history. What happens happens."
We don't get a whole lot of Capaldi, he is certainly far less angry than he was in series 8. We don't get much Gillan either - but congratulations to her on her recent pregnancy announcement.
I very much enjoyed the soothsayer off!! All the little snippets of Doctor Who lore spilled out as man and woman battle it out.
"Is that so, Man from Gallifrey?"
The High Priestess is terrifying!! They look amazing though.
Such a good ending, Donna pleading, begging the Doctor to help. Then the TARDIS landing, the Doctor appearing, come with me, epic stuff!
Donna realising how hard life is for the Doctor, but thankful that he listened and saved someone.
Yep, I loved this episode, what a strong start to the series!!
RATING: Sonic!
BEST LINE: "You fought her off with a water pistol. I bloody love you!"