What did you think of this episode?
Ah, the beginnings of the family the fucktards love to hate!! You know, the ones who love their kids and let them be who they want to be, but for some reason that is grooming?!
Anyway, despite what this episode is called, it is pretty click bait, if click bait was a thing back in 2008. I think it is safe to say that this is by far the weakest episode in an otherwise stellar series. Here is my review for The Doctor's Daughter who wasn't really technically the Doctor's daughter, and IRL is the Doctor's wife, but not River Song, not that wife, a real life wife, who actually has a Dad who is the Doctor, but not the Doctor she married because that is her husband. You keeping up at the back?
My main issue with this is the main characters don't seem quite right to me. Donna isn't quite as Donna as normal, Martha isn't Martharing as much as normal. The Doctor seems to be mainly there to tell everyone guns are bad. Duh! Maybe this was just a different writers voice, or the way the episode was cut?
It just wasn't for me anyway. Compared to some episodes it also looks quite dated as well. The hath, although at the time I thought were cool, did just look like humans with a science experiment mask on. The actual place looked a bit too much like a warehouse - and I know that was the general jist of it, but you get what I mean I think?
"Hello Dad."
I don't recall anything at the time, but were there any rumours circulating when this episode title was revealed? Did anyone think a character from the past was returning? Susan and her Mum for example? Were people left disappointed when it turns out it was just a hastily arranged DNA extrapolation?
Jenny somersaulting through the lasers was a rare high point in this episode. The villains were quite run of the mill - man with a gun! As much as it sometimes doesn't inspire me in Doctor Who it is very relevant to today. I will never get it in my head why anyone would want a gun - be it someone in an army, someone looking to harm or someone looking to "defend" themselves. Would you really want to pull the trigger? I get it, there are a lot of bad people out there, way too many, but most of those people don't even need to carry guns, they get people to do it for them. Go to war, riot, spread things about people eating cats and dogs, I could go on...!
"Not impossible. Just a bit unlikely."
I hate to say it, but the scene with Martha and the Hath sinking made me laugh. I didn't have any relationship with the Hath, and I didn't think Martha did to be honest, to give their life and then for Martha to go full on drama didn't quite work for me. She seemed pretty fine by the end of it all as well. Poor old Hath, gone and very much forgotten.
Jenny was quite a cool character, but again, I felt the majority of the episode she was against the Doctor as he was against her, then suddenly he's kissing her on the forehead. Perhaps this would of been better as a two parter, it felt quite rushed and as if it was cobbled together to fill. I mention many times, that most episodes of Doctor Who have something going for them, even the most hated ones, but this felt quite similar to 42 last series, a little bit forgettable.
This was very close to scraping into a bumpy-wumpy rating, but no, I am feeling harsh today. Sorry Jenny, and sorry Hath, you just weren't for me.
RATING: Exterminate!
BEST LINE: "I never would. Have you got that? I never would."