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Doctor Who Series 3, Episode 1 Review: Smith and Jones

Updated: 4 days ago

What did you think of this episode?

  • Sonic!

  • Good!

  • Bumpy-wumpy!

  • Exterminate!

Heads up to start with - I am a massive Martha Jones/Freeman Agyeman fan, so some of the upcoming reviews may be a tad biased!!

Case in point with this review for Smith and Jones - I love it! It was so much fun.

"I think we’ve gone beyond aspirin."

Straight from the off we learn everything we need to know about Martha's family, she has a brother, a sister and a Mum and Dad who have split up. Martha's Dad and girlfriend may be a bit cringe, but I see it for what it is, a bit of fun. Is it a very stereotypical view of a younger gold digger - take me shopping big boy - well yes, but I don't care, it's fun.

We know that Martha is training to become a Doctor and I love the scenes with Mr Stoker teaching them on the job.

"Oh! You see, they’re thick! Judoon are thick. They are completely thick! They’ve wiped the records. Oh, that’s clever."

Freema is amazing as Martha, and she is a breath of fresh air for the show. David Tennant is more of his Doctor here as well and he has some great moments. He still has a bit of a mean streak like when he tells Julia to jog on, but it feels more in place here rather than him and Rose ganging up on some poor sod.

I love the image of the hospital on the moon, and the scene with the Doctor and Martha on the balcony (or veranda) is lovely. Martha taking in what is going on but enjoying the beauty of the moon being lit by the Earth light. It all just made me smile about how joyful this silly blue box show is (I told you I would be biased!).

The Judoon march towards the hospital on the hunt for a Plasmavore played by Anne Reid. An alien drinking peoples blood through a plastic straw - whatever happened to those? How more Doctor Who can we get here?

I get one of my favourite things in all of Doctor Who as well - some over acting extras. I am spoilt here as they scream at being on the moon, pressing themselves against windows with a terrified look in their eyes. Then I get more of them when the Judoon get in the hospital and send them into panic.

"Just one trip. To say thanks! You get one trip then back home. I’d rather be on my own."

A barefooted Doctor and Martha save the day and the hospital is popped back to its old spot on Earth. Then we get some more cringe with Martha's Dad and girlfriend flouncing out a party in a place that looks very much like The Queen Vic from Eastenders.

A cheap time travel trick and boom, Martha is now the newest member of the TARDIS - cue adventures!!

This episode left me with a warm fuzzy feeling inside, pure RTD Doctor Who magic. Thank you very much!!

RATING: Sonic!

BEST LINE: "Why should I have cake? I’ve got my little straw!"



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