I am in no way, shape or form a spoiler hunter. I avoid them like the plague, I believe this show is so much better when you have no idea what is coming. This may cause me problems this series as I would like to watch it first time with the kids, but I don't think we will all make it to midnight to watch. That is a problem for another day, and it isn't really that much of a problem in the grand scheme of things!
The worst thing Doctor Who ever did to me was give away John Simm returning, quite an unforgivable error in my eyes - well not completely unforgivable as I have forgiven them, it only took me 7 years to get over it! Jesus Christ! 7 years?! For a show about time travel it certainly has a knack of making you feel bloody old!!
Anyway, what was the point of this blog? Ah yes, I know a few things coming up, there will be some Beatles, there is potentially a musical episode, and Ncuti changes outfits a lot. Beyond that, my knowledge of what is to come is limited to RTD's teasing in the DWM. With that said, I, and all you good people, now know the titles of each episode, so I thought I would have a go at guessing what is to come in each one, and then revisit this after the series finishes and see how horrendously wrong I got it.
So without further ado here are my predictions for series 14:
I'm thinking Partners in Crime vibes, but in space, and with babies!! So actually, nothing like Partners in Crime!!
I believe this is the Beatles one which also stars Jinkx Monsoon?! So potentially a musical episode? Ruby trapped somewhere, the Doctor teams up with the Beatles, maybe music somehow rescues Ruby and the day!
Now I do know this is the one written by Steven Moffat. I think so far Bad Wolf, BBC and Disney have done well to keep things under wraps, or maybe I'm just doing a good job myself of staying away from spoilers. So The Moff, off the leash, I'm thinking stepping on innocent every day things that become bombs, that's kind of his MO isn't it?
This is the one RTD said was the best thing he's ever wrote. Does the pub sign mean anything? The promo looked like a haunted pub, they also said about going more in to fantasy, so perhaps a pub that's been haunted for a long time, maybe something is 73 yards away from the pub causing it? Thank god I don't write the scripts eh?!
A town in a bubble, trapped from the outside World. The Doctor and Ruby fight a regime to free the town so they can become free.
This is the Bridgeton ep I assume. Again, there are not too many clues to it. Is Jonathan Groff a hero or villain? I'm going to say he looks like a villain but is actually a hero, it just wouldn't be right if Kristoff was the baddie!!!!! People hiding in plain sight who are aliens, infiltrating the World.
A big bombastic episode, everything revolves around Ruby, clues from previous episodes join together for a dramatic conclusion, maybe a returning monster, could Jinkx Monsoon play a bigger role in the series? Set them up in episode 2 then unleash all hell in 7 and 8? Will the Daleks return? Surely if this is set up for a whole new audience they will play a part somewhere?
I'm saying Ruby is in a whole world of trouble by the end of episode 7, the World/London is in peril and the Doctor needs to save the day. As is often the case I am pretty sure Ruby will be the one that eventually does the saving, but I hope Ncuti gets a big moment or two saving the day throughout this run! Jinkx or the Daleks causing chaos, big explosions, then something simple to save the day, very Doctor Who!!
Oh and if anyone does visit my site and wants to comment which I hope someone will one day, please remember - no spoilers sweeties!!