What did you think of this episode?
This series!!!! This Doctor!!!!
I won't lie, I was worrying about this episode halfway through it, I wasn't a massive fan of the Doctor and Ruby chatting in the bubble, it didn't seem quite right to me for some reason!! Everything seemed a bit off. Ncuti saved the day at the end!!
So this series has thundered by way too quickly, eight episodes just isn't enough. We need to get a petition going that we need at least ten episodes a series. Especially so with a new Doctor and a new companion. Even more doubly so when there are two Doctor-lite episodes!! I mean I hope it is two, surely the last three will feature Ncuti heavily - if not I think I might cry.
This has been my main issue throughout the series, Ncuti and Millie are amazing, I love them with all my heart, but I also don't think we have fully got to know them. This may be down to the experimental episodes more than the length of the series, but it has been breakneck speed the whole way and I don't think we have had much of a chance to get to know them fully.
Dot and Bubble then - this is going to be one hell of a Marmite episode, except for a certain part of the fandom, we all know this will be universally hated by the Doctor Who 1963-2017 brigade. That is probably a good thing, especially with this episode.
Straight off the bat I am going to admit it - I didn't see it. I had a feeling something was off but I just couldn't put my finger on it. This episode really shows the importance of inclusion in TV shows - visibility is important. Although I didn't notice, I knew something wasn't quite right. Originally I passed it off as not understanding the youth of today! Then I passed it off as everyone was a Tory bastard!
It wasn't until the very, very end when it mostly clicked for me! RTD was bashing Tories yes, but I completely missed the main point, but I think THAT was the point!! Very clever Russell, very clever!! You got me!!
Doctor Who is making me think these days, and I like it!
"It was an itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow, polka dot bikini, that she wore for the first time today."
I worried about this episode a lot, that didn't change after the opening, I hate what the World is becoming, YouTubers annoy me, influencers annoy me, most things annoy me. Lindy was grating on me, as were the other people in the bubbles. Every single one of them!! I am sure Lindy was meant to become someone to root for for a short while, but I thought she was a massive twat the whole way through. FYI, Callie Cooke, well done, great performance.
I also annoyed myself slightly that I found out there was a twist at the end, I was sat thinking something would happen in regards to the arcs going on, not that everyone was a racist shit!!
This wasn't the best episode of the series but it was a good one, I don't think there has been a complete disaster so far. It looked amazing.
I really need more Doctor and Ruby though, and I think that will be this series negative, we just haven't had enough time with them. Will the finale hit as much as we haven't seen their friendship blossom - certainly not on screen anyway!! We had 3 or 4 episodes of Rose getting to know the mysterious man she was travelling with all the way back in 2005. Ruby has just been the companion from the start, no messing!!
"I will do anything if you just allow me to save your lives."
That is my only concern, as I have loved this series so far. Ncuti and Millie are brilliant, but I just don't think we have seen enough of them. It feels like we barely know them and bang, its the season finale very soon!!
On the plus side though, Doctor Who is pushing things, it is modern and still the same old show. It is Russell writing like Russell writes but with a slightly different twist, I assume given to the fact that he is a whole lot older now, aren't we all though?!
An episode that started slowly, got better, then went up a level or ten when Ncuti was properly in it.
BEST LINE: "C comes before P!!"