What did you think of this episode?
Camper than a row of tents at Eurovision at Christmas time!!!!! With a cherry on the top!! And it was wonderful!
I recommend a second viewing for this one as it went up a level for me.
From the moment Maestro started playing the theme tune I knew this was going to be one of those episodes.
Where to start with this bonkers episode then? Well, I think the biggest compliment I can pay to series 1 (or 14) is that it is so wildly different yet still the same, if that makes any kind of sense. Ncuti is most definantly the Doctor, but he is also the breath of fresh air the show needed. His Doctor is so more open that previous incarnations - Ruby probably knows a ton more than Yaz ever did already!!
It's different in so many ways but I am getting a real series 5 vibe with this start - the change in the feel and the tone from the previous era, the mystery of the companion, the new young Doctor!
At this point I feel I need to say thank fuck I avoided social media for a bit!! It really is getting tiresome!! I set up accounts specifically for my blogging, but fucking sort it out guys!! Does everyone have to be so divided and quite frankly horrible?! It really is a boring vicious cycle, where some racist twat posts vile shit saying RIP Doctor Who, the show is too gay, too black, and fucking hell someone said their pronouns, this then leads to people to say things along the lines of piss off boomers this show wasn't made for you. A Chibnall era fan will slate the show which then leads to Jodie getting shit, or an RTD fan will use this series to slate the Chibnall era, and then we start all over again the next episode. Hell it isn't even by episode anymore!! Just a tiny bit of news or a trailer sparks outrage and every single race, sexual orientation and age of anyone in the crosshairs is obliterated!!
Am I alone in liking ALL the Doctors?! Maybe I am blinkered to Who, I thought Barbie was tat, I don't get the hype about Grease, and Killing Eve, what the hell was that all about? It seems if you like Jodie you can't like David. If you are a Matt fan, well then you must dislike Ncuti then! Why? I get we have our favourite eras and Doctors but why on earth would you then hate on other eras and Doctors?! The show changes, that's why it has lasted so bloody long!
"You might be bright, and hot, and timey-wimey..."
Jinkx Monsoon ate everything in sight, was it overacting? I don't think so, they were camp, theatrical, creepy, hilarious and most importantly, bloody fun! Jinkx had some great lines, "I'm going solo" made me crack up!! When they started half singing, half shouting as the Doctor and Ruby hid, wow, loved it!!! The pronouns at the beginning of the episode were delivered with fun as well, which I thought made a nice change, as sometimes it just feels shoehorned into shows making it seem preachy. Might just be me that thought that, but I thought it anyway!
The Ruby arc has got me very invested and has played a part in my two favourite scenes of the series so far. Ruby strung up by musical notes, Maestro shouting, the song, the music, Ncuti being iconic, the snow, yes, yes, yes!! You can see why RTD got Murray Gold back, music is playing a huge part in this series.
Which leads me to another great moment, Ruby on the piano on the rooftop. Chefs kiss!!
"But she's the only human left with music in her heart!"
I hope Ruby and the Doctor get a few more quiet moments and the pace slows down now and again. When they were looking out to a fucked up London was good stuff, and I feel we need a bit more of that to make what will probably be an emotional finale hit. Ruby gives me Amy vibes, I thought Amy took it all in her stride a bit to easily from The Beast Below onwards. Just a minor gripe, as Millie is great.
Last but not least, I loved the ending!! That will be going round and round in my head all week long!!
What a great start though, I am already feeling a bit sad that we are only getting eight episodes!! Bring on The Moff!!!
RATING: Sonic!
BEST LINE: "I'm going solo!"