What did you think of this episode?
So here goes nothing, my first Doctor Who review, series 1, episode 1, where my journey began with Rose Tyler and the Doctor. A few disclaimers before I start - I cannot pick between 11 or 12, I never got the 10/Rose deal and I was more scared of The Silence than The Weeping Angels. Also, I'm not a deep thinker when it comes to themes and the like, I just really bloody love Doccy Who!!
I don't think I have watched Doctor Who in any kind of order since the time they aired so this will be fun and also means my review of these episodes will be on my second, third, or eighty-third viewing of the episode in question!
The first episode of the comeback will hold a special place in my heart so it may be a slightly biased review. I was late to the nu-who party as it aired when I was in my early twenties, so Saturday nights were very rarely spent at home, they were spent drinking VK Ice and making a fool of myself! Then the reality of life, and work, and all the boring stuff crept into me and I found myself at home more. On a whim I rooted through my younger brothers DVD collection and found a beautiful looking TARDIS DVD cover. I had seen Doctor Who in the late 80's and remember it making an impression on me (I will never forget a cliff-hanger with Ace being submerged in water), so I picked it up and went back to my room, loaded the DVD up and wallop, The Doctor was back in my life!!!
Rose was pretty much the perfect start from RTD and everyone involved. I was hooked the second the music kicked in - and phew there was no Graham Norton!!
Billie was amazing in this episode, I assume there were quite a lot of sceptics when she was cast, but she was, for want of a better word, fantastic! Nine of course was also amazing, and he is still vastly underrated to this day.
So basically, I love this episode, it had me hooked for life! That's quite an achievement for one episode!
Everything was glorious, my highlights would be the Doctors Earth turning speech, Rose running to the TARDIS at the end and poor old Clive's death!! Top of the lot though was when Rose steps into the TARDIS for the first time. The panic on her face, the running out and running round it, the pause, then charging back in, fuck yeah that was magic!!
"This box isn’t just a London Hoppa, you know. It goes anywhere in the Universe, free of charge."
On this viewing I also noticed how amazing the music was, the haunting Doctor's Theme is truly an amazing piece, and certainly adds to the mystery of this strange new alien who has ran into ours and Rose's lives. Add to that the thumping new theme tune and Murray Gold should defiantly take a big old bow!
The only low point of this episode for me can come down to one and a bit scenes, Rose, come on, how did you not know something was up with Mickey??!! Pizza, pizza, pizzzaaaaa!! Mickey did grate on me a bit in this episode, however, as we all know his character evolves and becomes more than just the comic relief he is here.
So to sum it all up - fun, creepy in parts, some punch the air moments, and yes, this is a damn strong start to a whole new generations Doctor Who.
RATING: Sonic!
BEST LINE: "Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life!"
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