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The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off! Retired LEGO sets I want to build...

Updated: 4 days ago

I go back to my big box of LEGO and dream of one day having it sorted, although as each day passes that seems more and more unlikely. But I also dream of the sets I can build from it. Retired sets long since lost from affordable purchasing. Here is a list of the ten retired sets I want to scrape together from my pile.

10260 - Downtown Diner

A set that I could cram into my city all being well, I know I have a few pieces for this so this is the first on my list.

Downtown Diner LEGO set

60110 - Fire Station

I had this set so I know the parts are in there, I may look to build this then sell on Vinted or eBay to raise some much needed funds for other sets.

Fire Station LEGO set

21302 - The Big Bang Theory

I am very late to the party, but I am halfway through watching this and I love it, I may even be as bold to suggest this is better than FRIENDS. It therefore came as a nice surprise that I found LEGO had made this set. It may be costly to get the minifigures to make it display worthy though, but I have not done any research yet so I may be pleasantly surprised.

Big Bang Theory apartment LEGO set

21310 - Old Fishing Store

Now this is one of the great sets!! I am sure I have a lot of olive looking bricks hiding away, so I can do this!!

Old Fishing Store LEGO set

92177 - Ship in a Bottle

I know deep down that this would be a costly one, it appears to have a fair few parts specific to just this set which usually drives the price up a fair bit. It may be better to see if I could find this second hand somewhere, however, this is a set I always wanted so it goes on the list.

Ship in a Bottle LEGO set

31119 - Ferris Wheel

Another set I built then dismantled and stupidly chucked in a box, so somewhere in there is this set.

3in1 Ferris Wheel LEGO set

21322 - Pirates of Barracuda Bay

Oh this set looks an absolute delight, I need it somewhere on display in my house!!! Whilst researching which sets I would like I have actually upset myself about how many I have missed out on building.

Pirates of Barracuda Bay LEGO set

41322 - Snow Resort Ice Rink

A cute little set that I believe I have the parts for. I think I purchased this set when thinking I was going to do a mountain top to my LEGO City, but I scrapped that plan and binned this in the box.

Snow Resort Ice Rink LEGO Friends set

21304 - Doctor Who

I have the TARDIS part but not the console part, this very much needs to change, how have I not got this complete set in my house?! It is a travesty!!

TARDIS and console LEGO set

41336 - Emma's Art Cafe

Another set I purchased second hand looking to add to the city, another set I discarded to the box. This one could be built then sold.

Emma's Art Cafe LEGO Friends set

Let the sorting commence!!



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