The new Doctor Who trailer has dropped and wow, how good does it look?!
Hyped! Hyped! Hyped!
I have only one thing on my wishlist for April, and that I that we get a whole lot more Ncuti. He was amazing as the Doctor, but we didn't have much of him in a couple of episodes last series. I've been watching series 7 lately, and Matt Smith goes up a notch each series - I cannot wait to see what Ncuti brings to the table this time.
The trailer seems to hint at a slightly darker tone coming up, which isn't a bad thing for me. It is also intriguing knowing that we have a few new writers coming in - this is very exciting, as each of them will have their own Doctor Who story to tell.
I can't go without a comment on the intergalactic song contest and Rylan either. That looks epic, and I can only imagine the keyboard warriors furiously typing their hate, but Doctor Who is going full on gay Christmas!! Bring it fucking on!!
It feels just about the perfect time to have our hero back, a moment to escape the terrible people leading our planet into the shitter! Eight weeks of escaping and watching something that brings us all the one thing Trump, Musk, Bezos, Putin and co will never, ever feel - joy!!
Roll on April! Slava Ukraini! Fuck Trump! Fuck Tesla!
Did you enjoy the trailer? Anything grab your attention? Let me know in the comments below.

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