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My overly ambitious plans for 2025

Updated: 4 days ago

As we enter a new year, there’s always a sense of excitement and possibility in the air. It’s the perfect time to reflect on the past and make my plans for the future so I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to achieve, and I’ve come up with some overly ambitious goals that I’m not likely to ever achieve, but we can certainly give them a try for 2025. Is it possible to try and make your life better whilst also trying to give back to others?


My aim is to review every episode of modern Doctor Who and it spin-offs. I am currently working my way through series 6, but hope I will be somewhere near completion come the end of 2025. It is great rewatching the show in order, and I am very excited to see the Twelfth and Thirteenth Doctor's eras from start to finish. I am hoping I will look on series 11 with a new light, as that was the series I struggled with most when they originally aired. I have the context of the series that followed now, so hopefully I can get a new perspective on things.

I have never watched The Sarah Jane Adventures or Class either, so I will look forward to watching, what to me, is a new show.

God I love this show so much!!!!


Since I started this I have been inspired to put what I write out into the world. I have loved working with people who have helped bring my stories to life with their art - and it blows my mind seeing how talented they, and others, are.

I have so many stories I want to write, so many places I would like the Doctors to see. I am even thinking of some filth I can write, River has definitely had a few Doctor's on the go at once hasn't she?

I hope over time I can improve my writing, and I would love to learn more from the talented writers already out there in the Whoniverse who write their own FanFic.

Perhaps I may even look at taking a writing course of some sort if money and time allow.


Since November I have been employed by a Methodist Church and I am already thinking it has been one of my better decisions. I am staggered by the generosity of the church members here, the amount they do for people in need, and the way they just get on with it, is truly heart warming.

So I feel I need to do more. How I can do that I do not know. I struggle with certain things due to my autism, but I know I can do some good in some way. I just need to work out what that is.

The world really is a fucked up place, and the amount of people that are made scapegoats for this by the rich pricks in charge is staggering. The homeless, asylum seekers, LGBQT...the list is endless and it is thoroughly depressing. I like to think that there is some good out there, and that not everywhere is as the papers tell you.

So whilst the world may be in rocky times with that orange cunt back in charge, at least we can do some good.

That said, there are some reasons to be cheerful here in the UK. Whilst not everything Labour does floats my boat they are one hundred billion times better than the posh cunts in charge of our country before. Whilst a lot of the media may paint them in a bad light it is encouraging some of the things they are doing. Renationalising things is a good start, I don't care if it doesn't improve things - how much worse can they get after all - but it is satisfying that some dick head isn't getting paid vast sums of money for being completely incompetent in their job.

How do incompetent people get so many cushty jobs? From what I see it is purely down to either knowing the right people or having the gift of the gab. Having either or both of those things does not make a person any good at their job. We are literally run by salesmen, and have you ever met a salesman and thought oh they are a decent honest chap? No offence!!!!


I am currently relying on a part time cleaning job to supplement my income - my goal in 2025 is to stop needing that. How I will do that is another matter. I would love to make money doing the things I love, but then doesn't everybody? There are pros and cons to this I guess, would you want to turn your Doctor Who and LEGO addictions into a job? I am not sure that I would.

I also don't think you can wave a magic wand and make money from the things you love either, it would be nice though. Not having to go out early doors a couple of days a week will also give me an ever so slightly longer time in bed, and a bit more time with the family as well. Plus who doesn't want more time in bed.


One of my targets in 2025 is to join some form of Doctor Who Fan Club/Appreciation Society. The only one I can find around me is a university one, and it would be a trek to get to plus I am about 25 plus years to old to join it anyway.

All I know is that as a youngster I never knew I could speak about my passions with other people, obviously I am old enough to remember a time before social media, a time when people like me may have been quite disconnected from the world without even knowing.

I would love to be able to help someone local to me express themselves in a safe environment full of like minded people.

Watch this space!! I feel inspired already!!


This kind of links on to the previous point, but god I would love to go to a convention. I would love to see everyone in their cosplay, I would love to listen to people talk so enthusiastically about Doctor Who, and I would love to meet some people from the show.

I would really love to meet Jodie and Mandip - every time I see a photo of them interacting with fans it always fills my heart with joy, they seem to love it, they seem genuine, honest, and I would love the opportunity to bottle saying hi Jodie, thanks for being the Doctor!


This will all come down to the budget, but we are looking to extend our house, and part of that involves converting the garage from a junk filled pit, to a crafting haven. I have so much I want to do, so many LEGO sets I want to build, so many monsters I want to display, and to have a space to disconnect from the world would be so good. I know I feel lucky to be in the situation where I am even thinking about it, but thinking about it I am.

The falling point will obviously be money, as the house needs other things doing before that, but I can dream can't I?


Then we come to things very much out of my control. What are my hopes for the planet? I hope somehow we get some calm. Doubtful, but I can dream.

Bucket list:

  • I hope Labour tax the shit out of every prick born with a silver spoon in their mouth, I then hope this goes to some use, namely funding the NHS and helping those who need it most.

  • I hope some control is taken away from the large corporations running things.

  • I pray for some very large skeletons to come out of some peoples closet, skeletons that not even their slimy ways can squirm out of. You can decide for yourself who I am talking about. One might be orange, another may be some weird prick who has something to do with electric cars.

  • I hope that Discovery+ lose all their subscribers for giving that sack of shit Rees-Mogg airtime.

  • I hope Clacton see their MP and give the cunt hell.

  • I hope Thames Water go bankrupt and fuck right off!

That would do me for now!

Then we come to my hopes for Doctor Who. Now I have left the cesspit that is Twitter I think this series could be full of joy! I am looking forward to talking about episodes without that shrill shrieking front and centre that the show should be called Doctor Woke. I will avoid YouTube like the plague, I really don't want to hear Nerdorotic saying he is done with the show and will never watch again for the 389th time because the Doctor said hello to a man in the wrong way (how can someone make a living out of so much hate? It really makes me want to vomit). It's bloody annoying because I love watching the reactions of sesskasays and DTDW REACTS, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

What I actually want from the show? More of the same really! I loved Ncuti's first series, maybe the ending was a bit disappointing, but in general I loved it. I want to see the show try new things, I want to see it go places it never has before.

If I could ask for a couple of things then it would be for a whole lot more of Ncuti this time around, I don't think we got enough time with him in May, I would also like to see him up against a classic monster. It is only right he faces the Daleks isn't it?

I hope the midnight thing ends as well. It just didn't do the show any favours, it fuelled the hate on it. I get that we live in a streaming world, but there is no harm in bucking trends - that is what Doctor Who has done for decades after all!!

Have a very prosperous 2025 everyone, and remember to laugh hard, run fast and be kind.



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