What did you think of this episode?
Is this a hot take anymore? I like it! Is it a classic? No! Does it have a slightly ropey monster! By jove it does! Is it a fun episode with something to say? Hell yeah!! A review of Love & Monsters - proof that time heals.
I believe it has been said that this was written by Russell with a certain Doctor Who fan or fans in mind. Having become more involved with Doctor Who on Twitter and/or X the past few months I can fully confirm that Peter Kay and the Abzorbaloff are far more nicer, and yes that includes all the absorbing and peoples faces in arse cheeks!!
Marc Warren does a great job carrying the episode, I was a fan of his when he was in Hustle and he has the same sort of vibe here, just with a bit more innocence. I must watch Hustle all the way through some time, I have dipped in and out of it, pretty sure it is on iPlayer so will add that to my ever growing list of things to do.
A lot has been said about the Abzorbaloff being part of a Blue Peter competition, but in reality it is a pretty decent idea. Potentially the main issue would be Peter Kay is playing the Abzorbaloff and therefore it is more for laughs than anything else. I mean the loin cloth was a bit too much I grant you. This is nothing against Peter Kay by the way, I found this one a nice change in tone and pace. Not all Doctor Who has to be hide behind the sofa shizzle after all. It wouldn't be 60 years old if it was just that, and I don't think we would love the show if it was just that either. It is unique!!
Peter Kay absorbing people in a loin cloth one week, a monster drawn by a little girl the next, with a scary assed devil and possessed Ood's the week before. You gotta love it haven't you?!
Another thing that has been mentioned a lot is from the future, Amy trying to get the Doctor in her knickers, but lets not forget, Jackie was even keener here. She was even trying to feed him alcohol to seal the deal. Which in hindsight probably isn't a good look.
Elton and Jackie's part in this episode is really good though, and Camille as always steals the show with her flirting and then devastation at finding out Elton is just after the Doctor. It also helps us like Elton more as well, because even though Jackie doesn't know, we know that he is a good egg and just wanted to be mates and have a pizza.
LINDA is a fun part of this, and I enjoyed seeing their friendships grow, they were all very likeable characters.
God I needed Rose to return to being likeable, she nearly wasn't, I was disliking her even more when she started having a go at Elton, again, a bit out of character if you ask me. Thank fuck then that she consoled him and spoke to him in the end. There you are Rose, I knew you still had it in you.
On a sidenote I am all for the paving slab scene, it was only a throwaway line, why the hate? Who wouldn't wanna get noshed off by a block of concrete?
In summary - fun and better than I remembered.
BEST LINE: "She tastes like chicken."