What did you think of these episodes?
This is an ambitious two parter but it doesn't quite work for me. This series is more up and down than a yo-yo. It doesn't make sense in a lot ways.
I will save most of that for the season review, so let's start with this story - The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People. I got confused as fuck with the pacing of the start of The Almost People. What the devil was going on? Everything was bizarrely rushed - one minute everyone was chatting away, the next there was an emergency and the Doctor was climbing up a building and getting struck by a solar flare, then he is back shoving his hand in a vat of flesh looking worried, then he is fine again, then the building is collapsing and I don't know what the F is going on!!
There was a lot of drama being shown to us, but not much explanation as to why the drama was unfolding.
I am never a massive fan when a character is portrayed as if we should hate them just because. We got this with Miranda Cleaves, I find it all very pantomime, should we be booing and hissing at her because she is so obviously a bad person who is going to do something against the Doctor's wishes which will kick everything off, shit will hit the fan. Just like that, the Doctor tells her not to do anything bad and she goes and kills someone, bloody typical eh? Ok, I get it, I get it.
"No need to get poncey. It’s just gunge."
I never felt much connection to any of the characters in this, I didn't give a shit about the annoying kids birthday for example. Ironically, the characters weren't fleshed out enough for me.
I honestly think the highlight was hearing Tom Baker and David Tennant speak through Matt Smith. That was some good shit.
Is it just me who gets annoyed by obvious things? Don't make such a big deal of the Doctor's shoes, we didn't need that information rammed down our throats, the swap would have still worked if nothing was different about the pair of Doctors. It might of added some weight to the final moments at the factory if anything.
Rory acts completely out of character here, and it is jarring. I suppose it was meant to be a moment of him
"Given what we’ve learned I’ll be as humane as I can, but I need to do this and you need to stand away!"
The episode is saved a little by the cliffhanger at the end. If it had ended with Cleaves and the guy who doesn't do a whole lot walking into the room then I would have probably ranked this lower.
That one moment, the acting, the holy fuckery of it. At that moment I wasn't sure where the hell the series was heading, I was excited, looking forward to learning out a few things. As we are aware, it didn't really pan out that way which was a shame.
RATING: Bumpy-wumpy!
BEST LINE: "Would you like a jelly baby?"