What did you think of this episode?
I think Russell must have got Moffat's Library script and thought bugger this, I better put a couple of banger episodes in myself!
I think we forget what an absolutely tremendous writer this man is. If you go on Twitter today his name is mud! Does everything he writes come off? Of course not, does most of it? Hell yes! Would we all still be bitching about Doctor Who now without him? Not a chance!! He made this show a hit, he brought it back and made it hit heights it probably never had, or ever will again.
RTD obviously loves this show. You can see it when he talks about it, you can see how much he admires the Doctor as a character in his writing, you can tell the Doctor was his superhero when he was growing up - and still is to this day!
He also turned this episode - clearly the money saving one - into an epic all timer that people still praise to this day.
So in a nutshell this episode has amazing writing, a great cast, and David Tennant at his absolute best!
"Taking a big space truck with a bunch of strangers across a diamond planet called Midnight. What could possibly go wrong."
Obviously Russell can write a banger episode, but he needs the actors to make it into a banger. Seeing them all spiral out of control and willing to throw anyone off board who they thought might be a problem was a gripping watch.
How did Lesley Sharp do that with her eyes? She really did make them look freaky as fuck!!
"That’s not her, is it? That’s not Mrs. Silvestry anymore."
The best part was obviously the Doctor and Sky’s interactions. It must have taken them ages to do. Two people on top of their acting games, repeating, speaking at the same time in a metal box, and it is thrilling.
It is great that we don’t know what the fuck the monster was, what it wanted, if it had a plan. I like being left to think about things. Russell has done this to us more recently as well - see 73 Yards for further information.
"Molto Bene!"
This episode is capped off when we realise that nobody cared enough to ask the hostess her name. I get it, I wouldn’t go around asking people I deal with their name either. Does that make me a bad person? I think Russell likes to remind us that we are all evil shits. He is still doing it to this day - see Dot and Bubble for further information.
In summary this is as good as I remember, is it my favourite RTD episode? No. Do I think it is a bloody great episode? Yeah. Especially when you think it mainly takes place in a metal box. Plus we didn’t have the amazing Donna - her time is about to come though!!
RATING: Sonic!
BEST LINE: "Bang! Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, TARDIS! Shamble bobble, dibble dooble. Oh Doctor, you're so handsome. Yes, I am, thank you. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O..."